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Giving to St. John's Prep » Planned Giving

Planned Giving

A Bold Tradition

Planned gifts—including contributions through wills, trusts, retirement plans, and charitable gift annuities—can be a significant source of support for the future of St. John's Prep. Expanding this tradition of remembrance strengthens St. John's Prep's financial future and sustains its hallmark of academic excellence.  Planned gifts supports the mission of St. John's Prep, our outstanding students, our excellent extracurricular programs  and secures St. John's Prep's financial foundation for the future.

The St. John's Prep Legacy Society
The Legacy Society was established to recognize and thank those individuals and families who have supported the Prep by making a charitable donation through a planned gift. Membership in the Legacy Society is extended to those individuals who have informed the school in writing that they have included St. John's Prep in their estate planning. Written documentation of your planned gift can be as simple as forwarding a copy of your pertinent provisions set forth in your will or trust to the school or sending a letter from your attorney stating that you have made a provision in your estate plan for St. John's Prep.

Planned giving is about finding ways to make charitable gifts from your estate while enjoying while enjoying financial benefits for you and your loved ones as well. We hope the information included in the Legacy Society brochure will provide you with gift planning ideas that will enable you to provide for your family, maximize your charitable giving, take advantage of tax incentives, and leave a lasting legacy for the Prep.

Please contact the Development Office to share your plans or to ask questions at 718-721-7200 (extension 685) or [email protected]